Opportunity Living

Butterfly Story

June 1, 2020

Community Relations and Development Director, Jayne Wilhelm, wanted to brighten up the clients’ and members’ yards and give them something positive to enjoy during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s when she thought of a friend, Mayor John Westergaard in neighboring Lake View, IA who does wooden cut outs for his community, and she wondered if he would do some for the clients and members of Opportunity Living. Jayne reached out to John and he happily replied that he would love to do this! Jayne and John decided on butterflies and a few cats as their theme! Phil Fanning and Jayne donated the wood and Mayor John Westergaard, his wife Laurie, and friend Connie Aasen went to work cutting. 6 hours later, the butterflies were ready!

Staff, family and friends of Opportunity Living started checking out butterflies and began painting! We are pleased to announce that the 53 butterflies/cats have now migrated to the clients’ and members’ homes in Lake City, Rockwell City, and Carroll.

You will also find these beautiful pieces of art at the Activity Center Gardens located in Lake City and the Community Gardens located in Rockwell City. We would love for you to vote on your favorites (voting begins Monday) and enjoy touring our communities to see the wonderful work done by so many staff, board members, children, families and adults whose wish is to make everyone smile, especially our very cherished clients and members! If our clients/members are outside – they will love to share a smile and a wave with you!


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